Messenger contect 5.0
Messenger contect 5.0
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Personalized alerts.
- Alerts shows the status that contacts sign in.
- They show the contact's mail, that is good if nick is unknown for you.
- Enable alerts if you are Busy.
- Enable alerts for blocked people.
- Change background of alerts with an image chosen by you.
- Change text color.
- You can block alerts for some people.
Change contacts list background.
Draw attention to your contacts shooting alerts.
Sign in as Idle.
Fit your contacts list on right side of screen.
Light the ScrollLock when conversation window is opened.
Create a crazy nickname.
Contacts List
See the status and nick of somebody, even that this person is not in your list.
See the real status of your blocked people (if they are Online, Away, etc).
Like Messenger Plus!, is discerned Idle of Away contacts.
Easily you can see if someone has hi5 profile.
You can copy e-mail of someone, clicking on it.
Content Stealer
Steal display pictures, smileys and winks that you received from your contacts.
Your Content
See all your content (or content of another e-mail in your computer) listed in only one page.
Do a backup copying display pictures, smileys and etc. to your desktop.
Games and Activities
You can play games of all countries. Don't say limited to the games that your country offers in Messenger.
Messenger Packs
Install all packs are existing in various countries, but your country only offers 4 or 8!
Messenger Extras
Messenger Extras are scripts that can add new features to Messenger Content, and also to Windows Live Messenger.
Change your Nick
You can change your nick clicking on it. It's identical to change personal message in Messenger.
Here you can use mouse's right button to Copy and Paste in nick.
See your e-mail in Messenger Content. So, you don't need to open new windows, only need to open a tab
Personalized alerts.
- Alerts shows the status that contacts sign in.
- They show the contact's mail, that is good if nick is unknown for you.
- Enable alerts if you are Busy.
- Enable alerts for blocked people.
- Change background of alerts with an image chosen by you.
- Change text color.
- You can block alerts for some people.
Change contacts list background.
Draw attention to your contacts shooting alerts.
Sign in as Idle.
Fit your contacts list on right side of screen.
Light the ScrollLock when conversation window is opened.
Create a crazy nickname.
Contacts List
See the status and nick of somebody, even that this person is not in your list.
See the real status of your blocked people (if they are Online, Away, etc).
Like Messenger Plus!, is discerned Idle of Away contacts.
Easily you can see if someone has hi5 profile.
You can copy e-mail of someone, clicking on it.
Content Stealer
Steal display pictures, smileys and winks that you received from your contacts.
Your Content
See all your content (or content of another e-mail in your computer) listed in only one page.
Do a backup copying display pictures, smileys and etc. to your desktop.
Games and Activities
You can play games of all countries. Don't say limited to the games that your country offers in Messenger.
Messenger Packs
Install all packs are existing in various countries, but your country only offers 4 or 8!
Messenger Extras
Messenger Extras are scripts that can add new features to Messenger Content, and also to Windows Live Messenger.
Change your Nick
You can change your nick clicking on it. It's identical to change personal message in Messenger.
Here you can use mouse's right button to Copy and Paste in nick.
See your e-mail in Messenger Content. So, you don't need to open new windows, only need to open a tab
