Laulu Irelande Douze Pointe - Dustin the Turkey sõnad


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Irelande Douze Pointe

Esitaja: Dustin the Turkey | Lisatud: 24. mai 2008 21:16 | Vaatamisi: 939 | Lisas: pistik

Oh I come from a nation what knows how to write a song
Oh Europe where oh where did it all go wrong
C’mon, Irelande douze pointe

Drag acts and bad acts and Terry Wogan’s wig
Mad acts and sad acts, it was Johnny Logan’s gig

Shake your feathers and bop your beak
Shake ‘em to the west and to the east
Wave Euro hands and Euro feet
Wave ‘em in the air to the turkey beat
Irelande douze pointe! Irelande douze pointe!
Irelande douze pointe! To the funky beat

G-o-b gobble b-l-e yeah
Hello Abba, hello Bono, hello Helsinki,
Hola Prague, hello sailor, c’est la vie,
Auf wiedersehen, mamma mia and God save the Queen
G’day Austria, bonjour Serbia, you know what I mean

Shake your feathers and bop your beak
Shake ‘em to the west and to the east
Wave Euro hands and Euro feet
Wave ‘em in the air to the funky beat
Irelande douze pointe! Irelande douze pointe!
Irelande douze pointe! Irelande douze pointe!
Irelande douze pointe! Irelande douze pointe!
To the funky beat

Give us another chance, we’re sorry for Riverdance
Sure Flatley he’s a Yank and the Danube flows through France
Block votes! Shock votes! Give us your 12 today
You’re all invited to Dublin, Ireland
And we’ll party the shamrock way

Irelande douze pointe! Irelande douze pointe! I
relande douze pointe! Irelande douze pointe!
Irelande douze pointe! Irelande douze pointe!
Irelande douze pointe! Do the funky beat c’mon
Irelande douze pointe! Irelande douze pointe!

Eastern Europe we love you do you like Irish stew?
Or goulash as it is to you, Irelande douze pointe
Yes it’s Bulgaria we love you Belarus, Georgia,
Montenegro, Moldova, Albania, Croatia, Poland,
Russia, Ukraine, Macedonia, don’t forget Turkey,
Hungary, Estonia, Slovakia, Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina
and don’t forget the Swiss….. Cheese

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