Laulu Invade My Space - Xzibit sõnad


Laulusõnad | Sõnu kokku: 262 | Kokku vaadatud 322069 korda

Invade My Space

Esitaja: Xzibit | Lisatud: 30. november -0001 00:00 | Vaatamisi: 557 | Lisas: pistik

So quit tryin' to invade my space
Before i call for a face-to-face and got to rest my case

Fred Durst:

This is how we do it
Just recognize we keep gettin' right to it
Lookin' into these eyes
Lookin' into these eyes and you'll see the size of the flames
Then you might despise the size of my game
Step the fuck back!
Xzibit's on the track
You should have buckled up before your head hit the dash
You gotta hate that
A demo from an eight-track
Brought me to a place
Where platinum comes in eight stacks,bitch


You don't wanna fuck with me today
'Cause a little somethin somethin didn't go your way
So try not to be like that today
'Cause i'm a real motherfucker from 'round the way (c'mon)
We don`t give a fuck when we're rockin' the place
We're only givin' a fuck if you're invading the space
So getcha getcha get your groove on (gotta getcha groove on)
Don`t keep us waiting too long (Don't keep us waitin' too long)

You don't wanna fuck with me today
'Cause a little somethin somethin didn't go your way
So try not to be like that today
'Cause i'm a real motherfucker from 'round the way (c'mon)
We don`t give a fuck when we're rockin' the place
We're only givin' a fuck if you're invading the space
So getcha getcha get your groove on (gotta getcha groove on)
Don`t keep us waiting too long
(Don't keep us waitin' too motherfuckin' long)

You don't wanna fuck with me today
'Cause a little somethin somethin didn't go your way
So try not to be like that today
'Cause i'm a real motherfucker from 'round the way (c'mon)
We don`t give a fuck when we're rockin' the place
We're only givin' a fuck if you're invading the space
So getcha getcha get your groove on (gotta getcha groove on)
Don`t keep us waiting too long (Don't keep us waitin' too long)

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