Laulu Song # 1 - Serebro sõnad


Laulusõnad | Sõnu kokku: 262 | Kokku vaadatud 321901 korda

Song # 1

Esitaja: Serebro | Lisatud: 12. mai 2007 19:03 | Vaatamisi: 1364 | Lisas: pistik

Five, four, three, two
Listen to me
All my girls get ready (Uh huh)
We'll make it easy (Uh uh)

When I catch you picking me
You better get a chill
Boy, you wanna take on me
'Cause I'm your killing pill

Can't you see the way I move
My dress, my flashy skin
Listen up, you know I got
The place you've never been

Slow down
Boy, you don't wanna let me down
You better stop, you know what

Oh, don't call me funny bunny
I'll blow your money, money
I'll get you to my bad ass spinning for you
Oh, I'll make it easy, honey
I'll take your money, yummy
I've got my bitches standing up next to me

So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it
My bad ass spinning for you (Ow)

So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it
My bad ass spinning for you (Watch out)

Keep on taking over you
It's kinda getting free
Baby boy you know I still
Got sexy freak in me

Gotta tease you nasty guy
So take it, don't be shy
Put your cherry on my cake
And taste my cherry pie

Slow down
Boy, you don't wanna let me down
You better stop, you know what

Oh, don't call me funny bunny
I'll blow your money, money
I'll get you to my bad ass spinning for you
Oh, I'll make it easy, honey
I'll take your money, yummy
I've got my bitches standing up next to me

So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it
My bad ass spinning for you

So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it
My bad ass spinning for you

Maybe I'll take you with me tonight
Maybe you'll show me another way
And find a reason for me to stay
But something I must tell you

Oh, don't call me funny bunny
I'll blow your money, money
I'll get you to my bad ass spinning for you
Oh, I'll make it easy, honey
I'll take your money, yummy
I've got my bitches standing up next to me

So come and check it (Ow)
So come and check it (Ow)
So come and check it
My bad ass spinning for you

So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it (Uh)
So come and check it
My bad ass spinning for you

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