Laulu Flying the flag - Scooch sõnad


Laulusõnad | Sõnu kokku: 262 | Kokku vaadatud 321920 korda

Flying the flag

Esitaja: Scooch | Lisatud: 10. mai 2007 21:40 | Vaatamisi: 1363 | Lisas: pistik

This is your captain speaking
I'd like to welcome you aboard this Eurovision flight
The duration will be three minutes exactly
Now sit back, relax and enjoy the flight

Babada babada... badada babada...
Babada babada... (Duty free, madam?)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah...
Babada babada... badada babada...
Babada babada...

We're flying the flag all over the world
Flying the flag for you

London to Berlin
All the way from Paris to Tallinn
Helsinki on to Prague
Don't matter where we are
Yeah yeah yeah...

Flying high in Amsterdam
Why don't you catch us if you can?
Now we're cruising in the sky
And we're singing it for you

Babada babada... badada babada...
Babada babada... (Some salted nuts, sir?)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah...
Babada babada... badada babada...
Babada babada...

We're flying the flag all over the world
Flying the flag for you (Would you like a complimentary drink with your meal, sir?)
We're flying the flag all over the world
Flying the flag for you

Ladies and gentlemen, your exits are here, here and here
To fasten your seatbelt insert the fitting
To use the life vest, slip it over your head
Pull firmly on the red cord and blow into the mouthpiece

Babada babada... badada babada...
Babada babada... (We wish you a very pleasurable journey)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah...
Babada babada... badada babada...
Babada babada...

We're flying the flag all over the world
Flying the flag for you

We're flying the flag (Yes, we're flying)
All over the world (Take you all around the world)
Flying the flag for you (Would you like something to suck on for landing, sir?)
We're flying the flag (Yes, we're flying)
All over the world (Take you all around the world)
Flying the flag for you

We'd like to thank you for flying with us today

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