Laulu Enter The Ninja - Die Antwoord sõnad


Laulusõnad | Sõnu kokku: 262 | Kokku vaadatud 322007 korda

Enter The Ninja

Esitaja: Die Antwoord | Lisatud: 19. juuli 2010 15:20 | Vaatamisi: 1273 | Lisas: pistik

Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection, need your protection

I'm a ninja, yo
My life is like a video game
I maintain when I'm in the zone one player
One life on the mic
Gimme the time
Yo, ninja, go
No fuckin' around I'm cutting down anyone in my path
Trying to fuck up my game with razor sharp lyrical throw-stars
Here that my flow's hot hostyle
Wild, out of control
Ninja's got befokte rof taal
With rough rhymes for tough times
Met fokkol kos, skraal
Till I hit triple seven at the ATM
Straight famine or feast
When you're living on the razor edge
Stay sharp, sharp
Rolling with the $O$ high-energy
never seen zef so fresh, uh!
When we mic check
Hi-tek flows flex
Yo we optimistik
Not fuckin' depressed
We not like the rest
My style is UFO
Totally unknown
You can't fuck with my new zef flow
I'm hard to miss
"You can't do this, you can't do that"
Yeah, fuckin' who said so?
I do what I like
Too hot to handle
Too cold to hold
You can't fuck with the chosen one
I-I-I-I-I want the knife
I'm a ninja

Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection, need your protection

Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection, need your protection

Ninja is poes cool
But don't fuck with my game boy
Or I'll poes you
Life is tough
When I get stuck and my time is up
I push through
Till I break-break-break on through to the other side
Fantastically poor with patience like a stalker
Ninja is hardcore
Been cut so deep, feel no pain
It's not sore
Don't ask for kak or you'll get what you ask for
I'm like a wild animal in the corner
Waiting for the break of dawn
Trying to get through the night
Just a man with the will to survive
My blades swing freely
Decapitate a hater with amazing ease
This is not a game boy
Don't play with me
I work my mic-saber
Like a wild fuckin' savage from the dark side: danger!
Yin to the yang
Totally hi-tek
Ninja's motherfuckin' big in Japan
I seen the future
But I've never got nothing in my hand
Except a microphone, big dreams and a plan
Fly-talking, sky-walking like a ninja

Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection, need your protection

Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection, need your protection

This is like,
The coolest song I ever heard in my whole life
Fuck all of you who said I wouldn't make it
They said I was a loser
They said I was a no-one
They said I was a fuckin' psycho
But look at me now
All up on the interweb
World-wide, 2009
Enter the ninja
Yo-Landi Vi$$er
DJ Hi-Tek
Die fokken Antwoord
Dis mooi, nè?

(I'm a ninja)
Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
(Yo I'm a ninja)
Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection, need your protection

(Yo I'm a ninja)
Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection
Be my samurai
(a motherfuckin' ninja)
Aai aai aai
I am your butterfly
I need your protection, need your protection

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