Laulu Shine - The Toppers sõnad


Laulusõnad | Sõnu kokku: 262 | Kokku vaadatud 321982 korda


Esitaja: The Toppers | Lisatud: 16. mai 2009 17:49 | Vaatamisi: 1322 | Lisas: pistik

Shine, shine, shine

There are so many wars right now in this World
There are so many things not right
There are to many people hurt in this World
There are to many men that fight
Time is now to make the change
Time is on our side
Love will make us glow in the dark
So open up your heart!
Are you ready for a brand new start!

People let your light shine
Let the darkness fade away
Step into a brighter day
Don’t forget about our world today
Let your light shine
Maybe the answer is just this simple song
Let everybody shine a long
To keep the World from going wrong!
Let your light shine!!

So many people with good hearts in this world
So many they can make a change
So the only thing that we have to do
Is love the one we hate!
It will change all darkness into bright
It will touch everybody’s light
The whole World will be lighted
All people will be reunited!

People let your light shine
Let the darkness fade away
Step into a brighter day
Don’t forget about the role you must play!
Let your light shine
Maybe the answer is just this simple song
Let everybody shine a long
To keep the world from going wrong!
Let your light shine!!

As long as we believe in good in each men
As long as we believe in love
The light will guide and take us to
the World we all dream off!

Let your light shine!
People let your light shine
Maybe the answer is just this simple song
Let everybody shine a long
To keep the world from going wrong!
Let your light shine, shine, shine, shine shine!!

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