Laulu Love Power - The Krazy Mess Groovers sõnad


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Love Power

Esitaja: The Krazy Mess Groovers | Lisatud: 28. aprill 2007 10:29 | Vaatamisi: 1505 | Lisas: pistik

Can you feel the love power?
Can you feel the love?

I wake up every morning
Another day on my own
I'm in the eye of the storm
And I feel so alone

But when I notice the sunshine (Sunshine)
The summer breeze in the air
And when I dream of your sweet smile
Why should I fall into despair?

Can you feel the love power coming your way?
Can you feel the love power all day?
Can you feel the love power coming your way?
(Can you feel the love power?)

Today is another bad day
I'm gonna turn into stone
There's too much pressure on me
And I feel so alone

I feel the temperature rising (Rising)
There's something new in the air
And all the birds are just singing low
Why should I fall into despair?

Can you feel the love power coming your way?
Can you feel the love power all day?
Can you feel the love power coming your way?
(Can you feel the love power?)

(Can't you feel the love power?)
(Can't you feel the love power?)
(Can't you feel the love power?)
Can you feel the love?

(Can you feel the love power coming your way?)
(Can you feel the love power?)

Can you feel the love power coming your way?
Can you feel the love power all day?
Can you feel the love power coming your way?
Can you feel the love power?

One more time, come on (Coming your way)
Can you feel the love power coming your way?
Can't you feel the love power?

Can you feel the love power?

Vaata lisaks

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