Laulu Copycat - Patrick Ouchène sõnad


Laulusõnad | Sõnu kokku: 262 | Kokku vaadatud 321973 korda


Esitaja: Patrick Ouchène | Lisatud: 16. mai 2009 16:46 | Vaatamisi: 1248 | Lisas: pistik

Way down in Memphis, Tennessee
there’s a guy looking just like me
wearing the same blue suede shoes
singing the same old blues

Way down in the US of A
there’s a guy doing things my way
combing the same greasy hair
hugging the same teddy bear

He’s a copycat, trying to steal my soul
but he’s too fat to rock ‘n’ roll
He’s a copycat, trying to steal my soul
but he’s too fat to rock ‘n’ roll

Way down in the deep deep South
there’s a guy with a girly mouth
eating the same banana sandwich
dressed in the same kind of kitsch

Way down by the Mississippi river
there’s a guy with a voice that quivers
driving the same Cadillac car
Chasing the same lucky star

He’s a copycat, trying to steal my soul
but he’s too fat to rock ‘n’ roll
He’s a copycat, trying to steal my soul
but he’s too fat to rock ‘n’ roll

Way down in America
there’s a guy, rich and arrogant
dating my fair Priscilla
He makes me want to hire a killer

Way down in the land of the brave
there’s a guy lying in his grave
‘Cause nobody duplicating my jive
will never get away with that alive

He was a copycat, trying to steal my soul
Now he’s too dead to rock ‘n’ roll
He was a copycat, trying to steal my soul
Now he’s too dead to rock ‘n’ roll

To rock ‘n’ roll, rock ‘n’ roll, rock ‘n’ roll…
He’s too dead
To rock ‘n’ roll, rock ‘n’ roll, rock ‘n’ roll…
Copy-copycat, copycat
Copy-copycat, copycat
Copy-copycat, copycat
Copy-copycat, copycat
He was a copycat

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