Laulu Hora Din Moldova - Nelly Ciobanu sõnad


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Hora Din Moldova

Esitaja: Nelly Ciobanu | Lisatud: 16. mai 2009 08:45 | Vaatamisi: 1317 | Lisas: pistik

Ye ye… le la te nane
Ye ye ye ye… le la te na
Ooh… oh… oh…

Ra! Ra!

All the mountains, all the seas
All the winds are dancing hora
It’s a dance you’ve never seen
From my country called Moldova

Şai lalai la… şi zborul (Shai lalai la… and the flight)
Şai lalai la… duce dorul (Shai lalai la… brings sorrow)
Dans de foc al iubirii joc (In the fire of a love’s game)
E hora din Moldova! Ru! (It’s the dance from Moldova! Ru!

Când o iubeşti te răsfată (When you love, I caress)
Când o-nvârtesti iţi da viaţa (When you spin, I give my life)
Toţi cu foc se avânta-n joc (All with fire come in the game)
E cu noroc (It’s lucky)

Ra, he hei, he hei (Ra, he hey, he hey)
Hai la hora, hai la hora din Moldova (Come to the dance, come to the dance from Moldova)
Ra, he hei, he hei (Ra, he hey, he hey)
Lute-i hora, lute-i hora în Moldova (The dance is hot, the dance from Moldova is hot)

Ra, he hei, he hei (Ra, he hey, he hey)
Hai la hora, hai la hora din Moldova (Come to the dance, come to the dance from Moldova)
Ra he hei, he hei (Ra, he hey, he hey)
Lute-i hora, lute-i hora în Moldova (The dance is hot, the dance from Moldova is hot)

Foaie verde-a bobului, măi (The green leaf of a pea plant, more)
Hop hop şi-aşa (Jump, jump around)
Păi jucaţi hora neamului (Come play our dance)
Şi zi-i mai tare lăutare (Come shout louder musician)
Să se-audă-n lumea mare (So all people can hear it)
Joacă hora mic şi mare (Both the young and the older)
Hop şi-a şa, măi (Jump, jump around, more)

All the seas, all the winds
All the feelings that you get from hora
All the day, past and nowaday
Oh the dance you wanna play

Ra, he hei, he hei (Ra, he hey, he hey)
Hai la hora, hai la hora din Moldova (Come to the dance, come to the dance from Moldova)
Ra he hei, he hei (Ra he hey, he hey)
Lute-i hora, lute-i hora în Moldova (The dance is hot, the dance from Moldova is hot)

Ra, he hei, he hei (Ra he hey, he hey)
Hai la hora, hai la hora din Moldova (Come to the dance, come to the dance from Moldova)
Ra he hei, he hei (Ra he hey, he hey)
Lute-i hora, lute-i hora în Moldova (The dance is hot, the dance from Moldova is hot)

Ra! He hei (Ra! He hey)
Şai lai la… Hei (Shai lalai la… Hey)
Ra! He hei (Ra! He hey)
Şai lalai la… Hei (Shai lalai la… Hey)
Ra! He hei (Ra! He hey)
Şai lai lalalai lalai lalala he… (Shai lai lalalai lalai lalala he..)

Ra! He hei (Ra! He hey)
Şai lai la… Hei (Shai lalai la… Hey)
Ra! He hei (Ra! He hey)
Şai lalai la… Hei (Shai lalai la… Hey)
Ra! He hei (Ra! He hey)
Şai lai lalalai lalai hei hoi hei… (Shai lai lalalai lalai hei hoi hei…)

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