Microsoft on sunnitud Messengeri uuendama

Microsoft on sunnitud Messengeri uuendama

Microsoft on sunnitud Messengeri uuendama

Neowin'i sõnul on kõik MSN Messenger 6.1'e ja 6.2'e kasutajad sunnitud uuendama oma Messengeri versiooni viimase buildini.

Lühike teadaanne seisnes järgnevalt: "See uuendus sisaldab endas kaitset viimaste nädalate rünnakute eest. Ainuke võimalus Messengeri logida on selle uuenduse installimine. "

Microsoft on teadlik sellest, et internetis levib kood, mis sihib end eelmisel nädalal käsitletud teemale: Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-009. Ometigi ei ole Microsoftil andmeid selle kohta, kas lähiajal on oodata aktiivrünnakut või mitte. Kasutajaskonda aga teatakse iga ohumärgi puhul, nii et hoidke silmad lahti! Msn Messenger 7.0 kasutajaid see ei mõjuta.

Allpool kõnealune Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-009

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-009

Who should read this document: Customers who use Microsoft Windows Media Player, Windows Messenger and MSN Messenger

Impact of Vulnerability: Remote Code Execution

Maximum Severity Rating: Critical

Recommendation: Customers should apply the update immediately

Security Update Replacement: This bulletin replaces a prior security update. See the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section of this bulletin for the complete list.

Caveats: Starting February 10, 2005, the MSN Messenger service will notify customers running a vulnerable version of MSN Messenger that there is an upgrade available. Customers that have accepted this upgrade and have applied the update will be protected from this vulnerability. Customers that have not accepted this upgrade may not be allowed to connect to the MSN Messenger service with a vulnerable version of the client. Clients may be upgraded immediately by installing the update available at the download location provided in the “Affected Software” section below.

Tested Software and Security Update Download Locations:

Affected Software:

Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 Series (when running on Windows 2000, Windows XP Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2003) – Download the update
Microsoft Windows Messenger version 5.0 (standalone version that can be installed on all supported operating systems) – Download the update
Microsoft MSN Messenger 6.1
Microsoft MSN Messenger 6.2
Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition (SE), and Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (ME) – Review the FAQ section of this bulletin for details about these operating systems.

Non-Affected Software:

Windows Media Player 6.4
Windows Media Player 7.1
Windows Media Player for Windows XP (8.0)
Windows Media Player 9 Series for Windows XP Service Pack 2
Windows Media Player 10
Windows Messenger 5.1
MSN Messenger for Mac

Tested Microsoft Windows Components:

Affected Components:

Microsoft Windows Messenger version (when running on Windows XP Service Pack 1)
Microsoft Windows Messenger version (when running on Windows XP Service Pack 2)

The software in this list has been tested to determine if the versions are affected. Other versions either no longer include security update support or may not be affected. To determine the support lifecycle for your product and version, visit the following Microsoft Support Lifecycle Web site.

Lisas: pistik | Lisatud: 13.02.2005 06:25

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