Video - Armeenia: Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone - Eurovisioon 2010

Eurovisioon 2010 osavõtva riigi, Armeenia: Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone lugu - video

Laulu sõnad

Apricot Stone

Many, many years ago,
When I was a little child,
Mama told me you should know,
Our world is cruel and wild,
But to make your way through cold and heat
Love is all that you need

I believed her every word,
More than anything I heard
But I was too scared to lose my fun
I began to cry a lot
And she gave me apricots
Kisses of the earth, fruits of the sun

Apricot stone,
Hidden in my hand
Given back to me
From the motherland
Apricot stone,
I will drop it down
In the frozen ground
I’ll just let it make its round

Apricot stone,
Hidden in my hand
Given back to me
From the motherland
Apricot stone

Now I see the northern stars
Shining brightly in the storm
And I’ve got an avatar
Of my love to keep me warm
Now I’m not afraid of violent winds
They may blow
They can’t win

May the winter stay away
From my harvest night and day
May God bless and keep my cherished fruit
Grow my tree up to the sky,
Once I waved my home goodbye
I just wanna go back to my roots

Apricot stone,
Hidden in my hand
Given back to me
From the motherland
Apricot stone,
I will drop it down
In the frozen ground
I’ll just let it make its round

Apricot stone,
Hidden in my hand (Hidden in my hand)
Given back to me (Given, given back to me )
From the motherland
Apricot stone
Hidden in my hand
Given back to me
From the motherland

Apricot stone
Eurovisioon 2010

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